The Number One Country in the World with Highest rates of Human Trafficking!

People often never think about human or child trafficking, simply because we never hear much about it in the news, media, entertainment and barely ever talked about. Would you be surprised if you find out that the number one country in the world with the highest rates of human trafficking is the United States of America? Hard to believe I know and yet not that many people know about it although it is the largest worldwide crime after drugs and weapons. 

Every year 200,000 American children are at risk of child trafficking, the average age of entry into prostitution in the United States is 12-14 years old and thats the average which means children can get sold to sex slavery at a much younger age. 

The girls and women who engage in prostitution are expected to either end up in jail or dead as the average life time of a prostitute is only 7 years. 

My question remains why are victims end up getting prosecuted and in jail? They are forced into crime, they lured into this horrific environment as children. Victims are usually charged with prostitution even though they are trafficking victims and are either put in a juvenile detention center, CPS, or a safe house if there is room available. However, victims frequently run away from rehabilitation centers as they don’t consider themselves victims.

Often times victims don’t consider themselves as victims due to the fact that for many years, this is the way they knew how to survive. Victims frequently run back to their traffickers because they are brainwashed to not trust law enforcement, (seen as enemy) and or service providers and unfortunately they end up running back to their pimp or trafficker. This loyalty the victim holds for their trafficker is due to trauma and Stockholm Syndrome. Pimps prey on vulnerable girls and women, using a mix of violence and tenderness to alternately make them feel loved and secured but then again abused and scared. The result is that these girls and women become psychologically attached to their pimps, and do not turn against them out of their dependency of fear and misplaced affection.

Although I believe that victims should not be put in jail just like Scotland has ruled out! 


Signs or indicators or child or human trafficking

Indicators of Human Trafficking:


  • Is the victim in possession of identification and travel documents? If not, who has control of the documents?
  • Was the victim coached on what to say to law enforcement and immigration officials?
  • Was the victim recruited for one purpose and forced to engage in some other job?
  • Is the victim’s salary being garnished to pay off a smuggling fee? (Paying off a smuggling fee alone is not considered trafficking.)
  • Was the victim forced to perform sexual acts?
  • Does the victim have freedom of movement?
  • Has the victim or family been threatened with harm if the victim attempts to escape?
  • Has the victim been threatened with deportation or law enforcement action?
  • Has the victim been harmed or deprived of food, water, sleep, medical care or other life necessities?
  • Can the victim freely contact friends or family?
  • Is the victim a juvenile engaged in commercial sex?
  • Is the victim allowed to socialize or attend religious services?


If you have any evidence of human trafficking, or if you are aware of anyone who is being exploited for prostitution, you should call investigators at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security at 1-866-347-2423.